Jamie Oaks bio photo

Jamie Oaks

Evolutionary biologist.

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Charlotte Benedict, Kerry Cobb, and I had a great time at Evolution 2019 in Providence, RI. Charlotte presented a great poster on the independent evolution of clownfish symbiosis among sea anemones. Kerry gave a poster about our work showing the difficulty of estimating simultaneous demographic changes among populations (see post here and preprint here). I talked about our recent paper on the comparative biogeography of Philippine geckos. The slides from my talk are available for download here and can be viewed via SlideShare here:

Full Bayesian comparative biogeography of Philippine geckos challenges predictions of climate-driven vicariant speciation from Jamie Oaks

The recording of my talk is also up on YouTube:

Recording of Jamie's talk about the comparative biogeography of Philippine gekkonids.

Kerry and I also attended the iEvoBio Conference the day after evolution, for which I was a member of a panel on computational biology education. The slides from my iEvoBio presentation can be viewed here.

We enjoyed our time in Providence and learned a ton from all the amazing talks and posters we attended. A huge thanks to the ASN, SSB, SSE, and all the conference organizers for a wonderful event.