
The Configuration File

You specify most of the settings for a phycoeval analysis in a YAML-formatted configuration file. YAML is an “anti-markup” language and data standard that is much more human friendly than alternatives like XML.


The website is a nice tool for debugging YAML syntax. You can copy and paste your config file their to check of you’re using valid YAML syntax.

The simplest possible configuration file for phycoeval would look something like:

    constant_sites_removed: false
        path: alignment/Gekko.nex

This specifies the path to the nexus file containing the aligned character data for the species we want to infer a phylogeny for, and specifies whether we have removed constant sites from the alignment. The defaults for all other settings would be used in this case, which we strongly discourage.

Now, let’s look at an example that is more thoroughly specified:

    ploidy: 2
    constant_sites_removed: false
        genotypes_are_diploid: true
        markers_are_dominant: false
        population_name_is_prefix: false
        population_name_delimiter: ' '
        path: alignment/Gekko.nex
# This is a comment!
    tree_space: generalized
    starting_tree: comb
                    estimate: true
                            shape: 4.0
                            mean: 0.01
                    value: 1.0
                    estimate: false
        equal_population_sizes: true
        value: 0.0002
        estimate: true
                shape: 4.0
                mean: 0.0002
        value: 0.5
        estimate: false
        value: 1.0
        estimate: false
    chain_length: 15000
    sample_frequency: 10

All the settings are hierarchically nested by the indent spacing. For example, data, tree_model, branch_parameters, mutation_parameters, and mcmc_settings are all at the highest level of the hierarchy, and have various settings nested within them. Across a given level of the hierarchy, order does not matter. E.g., the top-level groups of settings listed above can be arranged in any order. Anything proceeded by a ‘#’ is a comment that is ignored by phycoeval.

General parameter syntax

Before we get into the specific syntax for each setting in the config file, let’s first look at the general syntax that applies to all parameters in the tree_model, branch_parameters, and mutation_parameters sections of the config.

The general syntax for a parameter is:

    estimate: true # or false
    value: 1.0
            distribution_parameter: 1.0

So, for any parameter, you can specify:

  1. Whether or not the parameter should be fixed (estimate: false) or estimated (estimate: true).

  2. A value for the parameter. This is only the starting value if estimate is true, or is the fixed value if estimate is false. If a value is not specified, the starting value is drawn from the prior.

  3. The prior probability distribution. This is ignored if estimate is false.


Next, let’s walk through how to specify the tree model in the configration file.

    tree_space: generalized
    starting_tree: comb
                    estimate: true
                            shape: 4.0
                            mean: 0.01
                    value: 1.0
                    estimate: false


There are three options for the tree_space setting:

  1. tree_space: generalized

    This tells phycoeval to use a generalized tree distribution that allows for shared and/or multifurcating divergences.

  2. tree_space: bifurcating

    This specifies a “standard” tree distribution that assumes all divergences are independent and bifurcating.

  3. tree_space: fixed

    This tells phycoeval that you want to fix the tree topology. To do this, you must also provide a starting tree with the topology you wish to hold constant during the analyses.


phycoeval will first check to see if starting_tree is set to one of two options:

  1. starting_tree: comb

    This specifies that the MCMC chain should start with the tree topology with only one multifurcating internal node.

  2. starting_tree: random

    This specifies that the MCMC chain should start with the random topology with only independent, bifurcating divergences; i.e., a random topology with \nTips - 1 internal nodes, where \nTips is the number of tips (populations/species).

If the setting for starting_tree is not comb or random, phycoeval will next check to see if the string provided is a valid path to a file. If it is, the starting tree will be read from the file, which can be in phylip/newick format or nexus format.

If the setting for starting_tree is not comb, random, nor a path, phycoeval will try to interpret the setting as a newick-formatted tree string.

So, in summary, you can specify a specific starting tree using a newick string or a path to a newick or nexus formatted tree, or you can specify the MCMC chain start with the comb tree or a random bifurcating tree.


Currently, the only tree_prior implemented in phycoeval is uniform_root_and_betas. This prior assumes that all topologies are equally probable a priori, the age of the root follows a parametric distribution (e.g., a gamma or exponential distribution), and all other divergence times follow scaled beta distributions. When, tree_space is set to generalized, all possible non-reticulating topologies (including topologies with shared and/or multifurcating divergences) are a priori equally probable. When, tree_space is set to bifurcating, all possible topologies with independent, bifurcating divergences (i.e., \nTips - 1 internal nodes) are equally probable.

The prior settings for the root age (height) and the beta distributions for all other divergence times are specified under the parameters section fo the uniform_root_and_betas tree prior:

            estimate: true
                    shape: 4.0
                    mean: 0.01
            value: 1.0
            estimate: false


The root_height parameter follows the general parameter syntax discussed above. Valid continuous probability distributions for the prior include:

  1. exponential_distribution

    For the exponential_distribution, you can specify the mean or rate (the rate = 1/mean), and an offset. By default, the offset is zero, and the lower bound of the exponential distribution is zero. If you specify a positive offset, this shifts the entire distribution so that the lower bound is equal to offset. NOTE: If you specify a mean and an offset, the mean is interpreted as the mean before shifting the distribution.

  2. gamma_distribution

    For the gamma_distribution, you can specify the shape and mean OR the shape and scale, where the \textrm{mean} = \textrm{shape} \times \textrm{scale}. As with the exponential distribution, you can also specify an offset, which will shift the gamma distribution to have a lower bound equal to offset. NOTE: When you specify an offset, the scale OR mean is interpreted as the scale or mean before shifting the distribution.

  3. uniform_distribution

    The uniform_distribution has two parameters that can be specified: the min and max.


The uniform_root_and_betas tree prior assumes (a priori) that all non-root divergence times follow a scaled beta distribution between the present and the age of the youngest parent node of any node mapped to the divergence time (see the figure below for an example.

Tree prior

An example of the scaled beta distributions on non-root divergence times.

These are “scaled” betas, because, normally, a beta distribution has a lower and upper bound of 0 and 1, respectively. The beta distributions are scaled to be proper probability distributions (i.e., integrate to one) between zero (the “present”) and the age of the youngest parent node. By default, phycoeval sets both the alpha and beta parameters of these beta distributions to one, which makes them equivalent to uniform distributions between zero and the age of the youngest parent node. However, phycoeval allows you to control the settings for the alpha parameter of these beta distributions via the alpha_of_node_height_beta_prior option:

    value: 1.0
    estimate: false

Above, we are simply fixing the alpha parameter of the beta distributions on the non-root divergence times to 1 (this is the default for phycoeval). In general, the default is probably fine for most applications, and estimating alpha_of_node_height_beta_prior has not been well tested with simulated data.


        equal_population_sizes: true
        value: 0.0002
        estimate: true
                shape: 4.0
                mean: 0.0002


The population_size parameter follows the general parameter syntax discussed above, with the exception of one additional setting: equal_population_sizes. If equal_population_sizes is set to true, then all the branches in the tree will share the same population_size parameter. If equal_population_sizes is set to false, then each branch in the tree gets its own population_size parameter.

If you set the mutation rate to 1, then the effective population sizes will be scaled by the mutation rate (\epopsize\murate). Alternatively, if you specify an actual rate of mutation per site per generation, then the population size will be in units of the effective number of diploid individuals or haploid genomes (\epopsize), if the ploidy is 2 or 1, respectively.


Important: In ecoevolity, the population_size is related to, but not equal to \theta (4\epopsize\murate; the genetic diversity, or more precisely, the expected number of differences per base between two randomly selected haploid genomes). The relationship between population_size (represented by \epopsize) and \theta is:

(1)\textrm{ploidy} \times 2\epopsize\murate = \theta \\
\epopsize = \frac{\theta}{\textrm{ploidy} \times 2\murate}.

Thus, if you have prior expectation that \theta = 0.002 and you’ve set the mutation_rate to 1.0 (i.e., \murate = 1) and ploidy to 2, then your prior expectation for population_size is,

\epopsize = \frac{0.002}{2 \times 2(1)} = \frac{0.002}{4} = 0.0005

The relationship above is also very important to keep in mind if you specify a mutation rate in years. For example, let’s assume that for your taxa, you believe 0.004 is a reasonable value for the average number of differences per base between two randomly selected gene copies, and you’ve told phycoeval that the ploidy = 2. If you’ve set the mutation rate to 1e-8, then you can use Equation (1) to adjust your prior expectation for population_size accordingly:

\epopsize &= \frac{\theta}{\textrm{ploidy} \times 2\murate} \\
          &= \frac{0.004}{2 \times 2(0.00000001)} = \frac{0.002}{2} = \textrm{100,000}


        value: 0.5
        estimate: false
        value: 1.0
        estimate: false


The mutation_rate settings are for rate of mutation across the tree. .. How you scale this is up to you, but you need to make sure you are consistent .. in how you scale time and effective population sizes. If you set the mutation rate to 1, then time and effective population sizes will be scaled by the mutation rate. Specifically, time will be in units of \divtime\murate (i.e., expected substitutions per site), and effective population size will be measured in \epopsize\murate. Alternatively, if you specify an actual rate of mutation per site per generation, then time will be in units of generations, and population size will be in units of the effective number of diploid individuals or gene copies (\epopsize) if the ploidy is 2 or 1, respectively. To help ensure the population sizes are scaled correctly, it can help to remember that \textrm{ploidy} \times 2\epopsize\murate should equal the expected differences per base between two randomly selected genomes from a population.


The freq_1 parameter is the equilibrium frequency of the “1” allele (or 1 minus the frequency of the “0” allele). If you are using nucleotide data, we recommend that you fix the frequencies of the “0” and “1” states to be equal:

    value: 0.5
    estimate: false

This is because there is no natural way to recode the 4 nucleotide states to two states. Thus, if you try to estimate frequencies of the two states, your results will be sensitive to the vagaries related to how you decided to code your nucleotides as binary.

However, if the characters you are using are truly biallelic, then it might make sense to estimate the frequencies of the two states:

    estimate: true
            alpha: 2.5
            beta: 1.2

Another option is:

    value: empirical
    estimate: false

which fixes the frequencies of the two states to their empirical frequencies (i.e., the frequencies at which they appear in your data). Again, you shouldn’t do this for nucleotide data.


The empirical option for the value only works for the freq_1 parameter. You should get an error if you try to use it for any other parameters.


This section of the configuration file tells phycoeval about the data we are asking it to analyze, and where it can find those data.

ploidy: 2

This is the ploidy of the organisms (e.g., 1 = haploid, 2 = diploid), and determines the meaning of the population_size parameters covered under branch_parameters below. If ploidy is set to one, then population_size will be the (potentially mutation-scaled) haploid effective population size (i.e., the effective number of haploid genomes). If your taxa are diploid and you set ploidy to two, then population_size will be the (potentially mutation-scaled) effective number of diploid individuals.

constant_sites_removed: false

This tells phycoeval whether or not you have removed all constant characters/sites. If true, phycoeval will correct the likelihood for having only sampled variable characters.

The alignment section provides phycoeval with information about the data you wish to analyse:

    genotypes_are_diploid: true
    markers_are_dominant: false
    population_name_is_prefix: false
    population_name_delimiter: ' '
    path: alignment/Gekko.nex

Below, we cover each of the possible settings nested under alignment.

genotypes_are_diploid: true

This tells ecoevolity how you have encoded your characters. Does each cell of your character matrix represent the state of both alleles of a diploid individual? If so, genotypes_are_diploid should be true. If each cell represents the state of a particular gene copy, then genotypes_are_diploid should be false. If you have a code(s) to represent a heterozygote, then genotypes_are_diploid should definitely be true.

markers_are_dominant: false

This specifies whether your markers are dominant. If the same code is used to designate the character state of a heterozygote and one of the two possible homozygotes, then markers_are_dominant should be true. If you can tell the difference among a heterozygote and both homozygotes, then markers_are_dominant should be false.

population_name_delimiter: " "
population_name_is_prefix: false

For each row (individual or gene copy) of your character matrix, you need to tell ecoevolity which population it was sampled from. You do this by using prefixes or suffixes for each row label in your nexus file, and the prefix or suffix needs to be delimited by a character. So, if your matrix looks like:

Begin data;
    Dimensions ntax=20 nchar=40000;
    Format datatype=standard symbols="01" missing=? gap=-;
'population1-lizard-001'  0010...
'population1-lizard-002'  0010...
'population2-lizard-003'  0000...
'population2-lizard-004'  0011...

then you should specify:

population_name_delimiter: "-"
population_name_is_prefix: true

and ecoevolity will know that the data in the first two rows came from “population1” and the data in the third and forth rows came from “population2”.


Underscore gotcha!

The nexus format standard interprets underscores as spaces, unless the labels are quoted. So if you have:

Begin data;
    Dimensions ntax=20 nchar=40000;
    Format datatype=standard symbols="01" missing=? gap=-;
population1_jro-001  0010...
population1_jro-002  0010...
population2_jro-003  0000...

you need to specify:

population_name_delimiter: " " # just a space!
population_name_is_prefix: true


The mcmc_settings specify how long to run the MCMC chain, and how often to record a sample from it. For example:

    chain_length: 15000
    sample_frequency: 10

tells phycoeval to run the chain for 15,000 generations, recording a sample every 10th generation (15,000/10 = 1500 total samples). This is a good starting point. For most datasets we have analyzed so far, this has been sufficient. If the chain is having mixing problems, then you can try increasing these numbers. We recommend running several independent chains (analyses) to:

  1. Confirm the chains are converging.

  2. Increase the number of samples from the posterior distribution (assuming the chains converged).